It is the policy of CORA Health Services, Inc. no employee or attendee of a CORA-sponsored course may reproduce any copyrighted work in print, video, or digital form in violation of the law without permission.
- Participants will respect intellectual property rights and are committed to fulfilling our moral and legal obligations with respect to our use of copyright-protected works.
- CORA utilizes only company purchased graphics/videos or open access materials for all work whether print, video, or digital.
- CORA uses acceptable documentation to appropriately credit all sources of materials whether print, video, or digital.
- CORA designates the Executive Director of Continuing Education as the copyright officer to administer our company’s copyright policy including review of all materials to ensure compliance with copyright policy.
- CORA expects its employees to be responsible consumers of copyright materials. Employees who illegally duplicate copyrighted works may be subject to disciplinary action.